Contracts within the Project

Project components: 34 contracts of which: 26 works contracts (execution and design-execution), 6 service contracts and 2 supply / product contracts.

Works Contracts

Contract name: CL1- Conductă de aducțiune Cluj – Sălaj: tronson Cluj- Zalău

Contract value: 226,564,588.43 lei

Date of signing the contract: 16.03.2021

Contract starting date: 02.05.2022

Execution time: 27 months


Supply pipeline Cluj - Sǎlaj: Cluj-Zalău section

Contract name: „CL2 - Cluj-Sălaj Adduction pipeline: Zalău - Șimleu Silvaniei section and Bălan - Cehu Silvaniei section”

The value of the contract: 60,953,896 lei

Date of signing the contract: 21.09.2021

Contract starting date: 11.10.2021

Execution time: 22 months


  • Cluj-Sălaj supply pipeline: Zalău - Șimleu Silvaniei section and Bălan - Cehu Silvaniei section

Contract name: CL3 –  Expansion of the water supply and sewerage networks in Cluj-Napoca

The value of the contract: 70.002.818,71 lei

Date of signing the contract: 01.03.2022

Contract starting date: 09.05.2022

Execution time: 18 months


Expansion of the water supply and sewerage networks in Cluj-Napoca

Contract name: CL4 - "Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in Dej municipality and drinking water supply in Bobâlna-Recea Cristur area"


The value of the contract: 69.829.372,36 lei

Date of signing the contract: 31.03.2020

Execution time: 23 months

Contract starting date: 27.04.2020


  • Expansion of water supply and sewerage networks in Dej Municipality
  • Rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in Dej Municipality
  • Extension of water supply in Bobȋlna ATU (Bobȋlna, Oșorhel, Vȃlcelele)
  • Extension of water supply in Recea Cristur ATU (Recea Cristur)

Warranty period: 60 months

Contract-name: CL5 - "Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the municipality of Gherla and in the rural Gherla system"


The value of the contract: 42.843.271,77 lei

Date of signing the contract: 30.04.2020

Execution time: 24 months

Contract starting date: 14.07.2020


  • Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in Gherla Municipality
  • Extension of water supply in Buza ATU (Buza)
  • Extension of water supply in Cătina ATU (Feldioara)
  • Extension of water supply in Sânmartin ATU (Sânmartin, Târgușor, Mahal, Diviciorii Mari)
  • Expansion of water supply in ATU Țaga (Năsal)

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: CL6- "Expansion and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in Huedin City and Huedin Rural system"


The value of the contract: 26.953.123,38 lei

Date of signing the contract: 19.05.2020

Execution time: 18 months

Contract starting date: 18.08.2020


  • Expansion and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in Huedin City
  • Extension of water supply in Poieni ATU (Morlaca)
  • Extension of water supply in Sâncraiu ATU (Alunișu, Brăișoru)
  • Extension of water supply in Izvorul Crișului ATU (Izvorul Crișului, Săula)
  • New tank in Fildu de Jos and water supply pipe in Almașu

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: C7 - "Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Şimleu Silvaniei"


The value of the contract: 26.824.086,21 lei

Date of signing the contract: 03.11.2020

Execution time: 14 months

Contract starting date: 09.03.2021


  • Extension of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Şimleu Silvaniei
  • Rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Şimleu Silvaniei

Warranty period: 60 months

Contract name: CL8 - "Expansion and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Cehu Silvaniei"


The value of the contract: 28.855.642,66 lei

Date of signing the contract: 17.02.2020

Execution time: 18 months

Contract starting date: 06.04.2020


  • Expansion of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Cehu Silvaniei
  • Rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Cehu Silvaniei
  • Expansion of water supply networks in the villages belonging to the city of Cehu Silvaniei (Nadiș, Ulciug, Motiș and Horoatu Cehului)

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: CL9 –  Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Jibou and extension of water supply in the Someș Odorhei-Năpradea area

The value of the contract: 43.764.386,77 lei

Date of signing the contract: 21.05.2020

Execution time: 24 months

Contract starting date: 30.07.2020


  • Expansion and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in the city of Jibou (Jibou, Husia and Rona)
  • Extension of water supply networks in Creaca ATU (Brebi, Jac)
  • Extension of water supply networks in Someș Odorhei ATU (Someș Odorhei)
  • Extension of water supply networks in Năpradea ATU (Năpradea, Someș Guruslău, Traniș)

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract name: CL10 –Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage networks in ATU: Floresti, Baciu, Apahida and Feleacu 


Contract name: CL 11 - "Extension of water supply in ATU Așchileu, Bonțida, Chinteni, Cojocna, Ceanu Mare, Iclod and Vultureni",


The value of the contract: 41.922.326 lei

Date of signing the contract: 29.06.2021

Contract starting date: -

Execution time: 18 months


  • Extension of water supply in Așchileu ATU (Așchileu Mare, Așchileu Mic, Fodora, Cristorel)
  • Extension of water supply in Bonțida ATU (Bonțida, Crossroads)
  • Extension of water supply in Chinteni ATU (Chinteni, Feiurdeni, Satu Lung, Vechea - Deușu)
  • Extension of water supply in Cojocna ATU (Cojocna, Iuriu de Câmpie)
  • Extension of water supply in Ceanu Mare ATU (Strucuț)
  • Expansion of water supply in Iclod ATU (Iclod, Iclozel and Orman)
  • Extension of water supply in Vultureni ATU (Vultureni, Băbuțiu, Făureni)

Warranty period: 60 months

Contract name: CL12 - “Extension of water supply in Cășeiu, Chiuiești and Cuzdrioara ATU and sewerage networks in Cuzdrioara, Sic and SEAU Sic”,

The value of the contract: 64.744.298,41 lei

Date of signing the contract: 01.04.2021

Contract starting date: 28.06.2021

Execution time: 21 months


  • Extension of water supply in Cășeiu ATU (Guga, Sălătruc)
  • Extension of water supply in Chiuiești ATU (Chiuești, Măgoaja, Strâmbu)
  • Extension of water supply and sewerage in Cuzdrioara ATU (Cuzdrioara, Mănășturel)
  • New sewerage system and SEAU in Sic

Warranty period: 60 months

Contract name: CL13 - ”Extension of water supply networks in ATU: Unguraș and Mica


The value of the contract: 33.915.973,87 lei

Data semnarii contractului: 05.03.2020

Contract starting date: 18.05.2020

Execution time: 24 months


  • Expansion of water supply in ATU Mica (Mica, Mănăstirea, Nireș, Sânmarghita, Dâmbu Mare)
  • Extension of water supply in Unguraș ATU (Unguraș, Batin, Valea Ungurașului)

Warranty period: 60 months

Contract name: CL14 – Rehabilitation of Floresti underground source

Valoarea contractului: 66.584.000,00 lei

Data semnării contractului: 03.12.2021

Data de începere a contractului: 29.12.2021

Durata de execuție: 24 luni


  • Sunt prevăzute lucrări de proiectare și execuție de lucrări pentru reabilitarea unui număr de 108 puțuri de captare, reabilitarea drenurilor orizontale și a sistemului de lacuri de infiltrație existent, execuția unui nou front de captare, refacerea sistemului de clorinare de la Captația 1 și nu în ultimul rând realizarea unui sistem SCADA de monitorizare și control automatizat al procesului de captare a apei.

Contract-name: CL15 - "Rehabilitation and modernization of the Gilău water treatment plant"

The value of the contract: 57.840.000,00 lei

Date of signing the contract: 18.02.2021

Execution time: 27 months

Contract starting date: 06.04.2021


  • Rehabilitation and modernization of the Gilău water treatment plant

Warranty period: 37 months

Contract name: CL16 – Rehabilitation water and sewerage networks in Cluj-Napoca

Valoarea contractului: 124.044.853,80 lei

Data semnării contractului: 29.11.2022

Data de începere a contractului: 22.02.2023

Execution time: 22 months


Sunt prevăzute lucrări pentru înlocuirea rețelelor de alimentare cu apă pe o lungime de 20 km pe 32 de străzi cât și reabilitarea conductelor de transport a apei pe o lungime de 7,5 km pe 7 străzi.

De asemenea rețeaua de canalizare din municipiul Cluj-Napoca va fi înlocuită sau reabilitată pe 68 de străzi în lungime totală de 23,5 km. De menționat că din totalul lungimii de rețele de apă și de canalizare care fac obiectul acestui contract, o mare parte vor fi reabilitate prin tehnologii fără săpătură pentru a minimiza disconfortul pentru populație și circulație.

Contract name: CL17 –  Reabilitarea rețelelor de alimentare cu apǎ şi de canalizare în municipiul Zalău şi exinderea alimentǎrii cu apă şi canalizare în aglomerarea Zalău 

Valoarea contractului: 59.511.872,40 lei

Data semnării contractului: 09.09.2021

Data de începere a contractului: 08.12.2021

Durata de execuție: 24 luni


  • Reabilitarea rețelelor de alimentare cu apă și canalizare în Municipiul Zalău
  • Extinderea alimentării cu apă și canalizare în UAT Hereclean (Hereclean, Badon, Panic)
  • Extinderea alimentării cu apă UAT Mirșid (Mirșid, Moigrad)

Contract name: CL18 - "Extension of water supply and sewerage networks in Zalău"

The value of the contract: 52.696.919,94 lei

Date of signing the contract: 24.03.2020

Contract starting date: 18.06.2020

Execution time: 24 months


  • Extension of water supply and sewerage networks in Zalău Municipality (Zalău, Stâna)

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: CL19 - "Extension and rehabilitation of water supply and sewerage systems in ATU: Gilău, Gârbǎu, Aghireşu, Căpuşu Mare"


The value of the contract: 34.493.386,64 lei

Date of signing the contract: 16.02.2021

Execution time: 18 months

Contract starting date: 15.04.2021


  • Extension of water supply in Aghireșu ATU (Aghireșu, Aghireșu-Fabrici, Băgara, Dorolțu, Inucu, Macău)
  • Expansion of water supply in Gârbău ATU (Gârbău)
  • Extension of water supply networks, sewerage and wastewater pumping stations in ATU Gilău (Gilău)
  • Extension of water supply in Căpușu Mare ATU (Căpuşu Mare, Păniceni and Dumbrava)

Warranty period: 60 months.

Contract-name: CL20 - "Extension of the water supply system in the areas of Hida - Sutoru and Romita - Bogdana"


The value of the contract: 66.302.596,64 lei

Date of signing the contract: 12.11.2020

Execution time: 21 months

Contract starting date: 08.02.2021


  • Extension of water supply in Agrij ATU (Agrij, Răstolțu Desert)
  • Expansion of water supply in Dragu ATU (Dragu, Voievodeni)
  • Extension of water supply in Hida ATU (Hida, Trestia)
  • Extension of water supply in Sânmihaiu Almașului ATU (Sânmihaiu Almașului, Santa Maria, Bercea)
  • Extension of water supply in Zimbor ATU (Zimbor, Chendremal, Șutoru, Sâncraiu Almașului)
  • Expansion of water supply in Românași ATU (Românași, Ciumarna)
  • Extension of water supply in Buciumi ATU (Buciumi, Bodia, Bogdana, Sângeorgiu de Meseș)

Warranty period: 60 months

Contract-name: CL21 - "Extension of the water supply system in the Bălan-Letca-Lozna area"


The value of the contract: 39.433.963,47 lei

Date of signing the contract: 12.01.2021

Execution time: 23 months

Contract starting date: 22.03.2021


  • Extension of water supply in ATU Surduc (Cristolţel, Surduc and Tihău)
  • Extension of water supply in Cristolţ ATU (Cristolţ, Valeni)
  • Extension of water supply in Băbeni ATU (Băbeni, Ciocmani)
  • Extension of water supply in Letca ATU (Letca, Topliţa, Cuciulat)
  • Extension of water supply in Lozna ATU (Lozna)

Warranty period: 60 months.

Contract-name: CL22 –   - "Extension of the water supply system in the area Vârşolt - Crasna - Ban - Cizer"


The value of the contract: 49.359.713,22 lei

Date of signing the contract: 12.10.2020

Execution time: 24 months

Contract starting date: 01.02.2021


  • Extension of water supply in Crasna ATU (Crasna, Ratin)
  • Extension of water supply in Vârșolț ATU (Vârșolț, Recea)
  • Extension of water supply in Horoatu Crasnei ATU (Horoatu Crasnei, Stârciu)
  • Extension of water supply in Bănișor ATU (Bănișor, Ban, Peceiu)
  • Expansion of water supply in Cizer ATU (Cizer, Pleşca)
  • Expansion of water supply in Pericei ATU (Pericei)
  • Extension of water supply in ATU Meseșenii de Jos (Aghireș, Meseșenii de Sus)

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: CL23 - Extension of the water supply system in the Şimleu Silvaniei - Bobota area and extension of the sewerage system in the Sărmășag agglomeration

The value of the contract: 71.982.193,95 lei

Date of signing the contract: 08.02.2021

Execution time: 21 months

Contract starting date: 04.05.2021


  • Extension of water supply in Măeriște ATU (Măeriște, Cristelec, Doh, Giurtelecu Șimleului, Uileacu Șimleului, Mălădia)
  • Extension of water supply and sewerage in Sărmășag ATU (Sărmășag)
  • Extension of water supply, sewerage and wastewater pumping stations in Bobota ATU (Bobota, Derşida, Zalnoc)
  • Extension of water supply in ATU Camăr (Camăr) and ATU Carastelec (Carastelec)

Warranty period: 60 months.

Contract name: CL 24 -Extension of the water supply system in the Șimleu Silvaniei area - Marca


The value of the contract: 31,059,266.80 Lei

Contract starting date: -

Execution time: 15 months


  • Extension of water supply in Boghiș ATU (Boghiș)
  • Extension of water supply in Vâlcău de Jos ATU (Vâlcău de Jos)
  • Extension of water supply in ATU Ip (Cosniciu de Jos, Cosniciu de Sus, Zăuan)
  • Extension of water supply in Nușfalău ATU (Nușfalău, Bilghez)
  • Extension of water supply in Halmășd ATU (Halmășd, Aleuș, Cerișa, Drighiu)
  • Expansion of water supply in ATU Marca (Marca, Porți)

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: CL25 - “Mud facilities. Realization of tertiary stage at SEAU Huedin and SEAU Cehu Silvaniei and extension of SEAU Sărmăşag ”

The value of the contract: 86.030.000 lei

Date of signing the contract: 20.11.2020

Execution time: 30 months

Contract starting date: 15.12.2020


  • Completion of tertiary stage at SEAU Huedin
  • Completion of tertiary stage at SEAU Cehu Silvaniei
  • SEAU Sărmășag extension
  • Mud facilities at SEAU Cluj-Napoca
  • Mud facilities at SEAU Gherla
  • Mud facilities at SEAU Dej
  • Mud facilities at SEAU Zalau

Warranty period: 36 months

Contract-name: CL26 -Operational constructions


  • Operational constructions

Services contracts

Contract-name: CS1 –    - Technical Assistance for Project Management „Regional Project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Cluj and Sălaj counties, in the period 2014-2020

The value of the contract: 21.099.885 lei

Contract duration: 35 months

Date of signing the contract: 30.06.2021


  • Activity 1 - Support in project management
  • Activity 2 - Water balance. Management of losses in water systems and seepage / seepage in wastewater systems
  • Activity 3 - Updating the GIS system
  • Activity 4 - Development of a modern digitized water and wastewater infrastructure management system achieved through the project
  • Activity 5 - Support in sludge management
  • Activity 6 - Updating the Regional Master Plan
  • Activity 7 - Award documentation for procurement

Contract-name: CS2 –   - "Technical Assistance for the supervision of the works within the major project Regional Project for the Development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Cluj-Sălaj counties, in the period 2014-2020"

The value of the contract: 27.433.500,00 lei

Contract duration: 41 months

Date of signing the contract: 16.10.2020

Starting order date: 12.11.2020


  • Supervision activities in the pre-construction phase
  • Construction supervision activities
  • Post-construction supervision activities

Contract-name: CS3 –   - "Information and publicity services of the major project Regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Cluj and Sălaj counties, in the period 2014-2020"

The value of the contract: 2.221.297 lei

Date of signing the contract: 12.01.2021


Activity 1 - Organizing the press conference

Activity 2 - Publication of press releases / press announcements in the written press

Activity 3 - Presentation of the project on the Regional Operator's website

Activity 4 - Making of informative materials

Activity 5 - Making of promotional materials

Activity 6 - Making display systems

Activity 7 - Audio visual media advertising

Activity 8 - Film production

Activity 9 - Opinion surveys

Activity 10 - Organizing events

Contract-name: CS4 –   Regional project auditing services "

Valoarea contractului: 498,800 lei

Durata contractului: 30 luni

Data semnarii contractului: 22.08.2022


Servicii de auditare a proiectului ”Proiectul regional de dezvoltare a infrastructurii de apă şi apă uzată din județele Cluj și Sălaj, în perioada 2014-2020”

Contract-name: CS5 –   Technical assistance for the preparation of the funding application and award documentation for the regional project for the development of water and wastewater infrastructure in Cluj and Sălaj counties, in the period 2014-2020 ”

The value of the contract: 12.928.645 lei

Contract duration: 73 months

Date of signing the contract: 03.03.2015

Data ordin de începere: 03.04.2015


  • Activitatea de asistenţă tehnică din partea proiectantului pe parcursul execuţiei lucrărilor din cadrul Proiectului Regional

Contract-name: CS6 –   Supervisory and site management services for operational constructions ”


Supply contracts

Contract-name: CP1 –   Extending SCADA system


Valoarea contractului: 6.017.000 lei

Durata contractului: 15 luni

Data semnarii contractului: 25.11.2021

Data ordin de începere: 25.11.2021


  • Furnizarea, montarea și asigurarea funcționării echipamentelor necesare extinderii sistemului SCADA existent la nivelul CAS S.A., inclusiv integrarea obiectivelor afernte infrastructurii de apă/apă uzată preluată/realizată în sistemul SCADA extins.

Contract-name: CP2 –   Equipment without assembly and transport equipment for the maintenance of the water / wastewater system Cluj-Sălaj ”


Valoarea contractului: 11.518.846,00 lei

Durata contractului: 20 luni

Data semnarii contractului: 29.10.2022

Data ordin de începere: 19.10.2022

Obiective: Furnizarea urmatoarelor utilaje fără montaj şi echipamente de transport pentru intretinerea sistemului de alimentare cu apa si apa uzata in judetele Cluj-Salaj

  Autocurățitor combinat pentru canalizare – 2 buc

  Echipament hidrocurățitor pentru canalizare – 3 buc

  Motopompă mobilă – 10 buc

  Sistem mobil CCTV Autolaborator inspecție video conducte canalizare principale – 2 buc

  Autocurățitor combinat pentru canalizare cu sistem de reciclare a apei – 1 buc

  Sistem mobil detectare pierderi apă – 2 buc

  Kit ultrasonic de măsurare a debitelor de apa din conducte – 2 buc

  Buldoexcavator – 4 buc

  Autoutilitară 7 locuri cu benă basculabilă trilateral – 4 buc 

  Autobasculantă – 4 buc